Monday, June 15, 2009

Why are mothers so good at guilt trips?

So, I admit - I'm far from a perfect mom. I like my alone time. I like when the little rug rat is off at the grandparents. So what???? Come on, I'm sure there's tons of you out there just like me. Not really sure you will ever embrace the mommy role. It doesn't mean I don't love my child. It just means that I'm not afraid to admit that I wasn't born to be a mommy.

And for my loving mom, who likes to make little annoying comments about my son spending too much time at the other grandma's house - let me just say, you barely see him at all!! I thought that's what grandparents are for. I think I'm a better mom because I get to have some time without him. Go ahead - judge me.

A little lady's blogging adventure

So, once again - it is Monday afternoon and I'm horribly bored at work. I know I should be happy to have a job and strive to be the best little worker bee I can be, but I would so rather spend half my day reading random celebrity news articles and venturing into the world of blogging.

After reading yet another article on blogging, I figured I'd give this nifty little activity a shot. After all, who doesn't want a medium to just sound off every so often and I know I have plenty to sound off about.

I'm in my mid 20's, married, have a child, and COMPLETELY BORED WITH MY LIFE!! Some might say this is the perfect setting for trouble...guess we'll see.